Prototyping a natural and cultural experience for public space co-creation
'Minante' foi um projeto de âmbito local com o objetivo de experimentar e testar novas formas de contemplar e usufruir o espaço público na zona do Minante, no rio Neiva, nomeadamente nos trilhos e caminhos públicos existentes que percorrem ambas as margens.
'Minante' was a local-scale project with the objective of experimenting and testing new ways of contemplating and enjoying the public space in the Minante area, on the Neiva river, namely along the existing trails and public paths found on both banks.
O projeto baseia-se num conjunto de intervenções co-criadas com, pela e para a comunidade local, valorizando a diversidade de perspetivas que resultem em experiências distintas, materiais ou imateriais.
The project is based on a set of interventions co-created with, by and for the local community, valuing a diversity of perspectives that result in different experiences, material or immaterial.
Pretendeu-se também encorajar reflexões e registar aprendizagens sobre o futuro deste espaço público, ancoradas no património natural e cultural existente, enriquecido pelas antigas azenhas que dão o nome a este local, e que se cruza com as vivências e memórias da comunidade.
Sendo um projeto apoiado no âmbito da Nova Bauhaus Europeia, encontra-se sustentado nos valores da Sustentabilidade, Inclusão e Estética, seguindo uma abordagem Participativa, Transdisciplinar, e Multi-nível.
The project also intended to trigger reflections and deliver lessons learned about the future of this public space, anchored in the existing natural and cultural heritage, enriched by the former river watermills providing the name of this location, and which intersect with the experiences and memories of the community.
As a project supported within the scope of the New European Bauhaus, it is sustained in the values of Sustainability, Inclusion and Aesthetics, and follows a Participatory, Transdisciplinary, and Multi-level approach.
Workshop 'Sharing memories and experiences on the Minante' in Minante
Workshop 'Sharing memories and experiences on the Minante' in Minante
Workshop 'Production Margins: relations between the river and agriculture' in Minante
Training Session 'The New European Bauhaus' at Rio Neiva Association
Session "Public spaces as sources of knowledge" at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities from the University of Porto
Celebration Event and 'A Flag for Minante' Workshop
Collaborative workshop on wood self-construction: experiments for activating a communal space
Artistic residency of the FEBRE Collective at/in collaboration with Portilame for exhibition and artistic structures.
Final celebration event and presentation of all results
Photographic Exhibition
Presentation at Faro Convention International Conference January 2024
Vision on the future of this public space
Project Events Photo Gallery
Project Booklet 'Minante: a living gallery'